Short Palomar Short Palomar Short Palomar Short Palomar

Short Palomar

  • Short Palomar
  • Short Palomar
  • Short Palomar
  • Short Palomar

The 'Palomar' neckpiece is  the perfect addition to the wardrobe. It can be worn with ease and looks great worn under a shirt collar and teamed with navy, white, pink or grey.


Materials & Dimensions

Gold finishes and Czech Crystal. 

Each piece is heat bonded in nickel free, hypo-allergenic gold lite. A high thickness of plating makes for long-lasting, hard wearing pieces. 

Length of Neckpiece: 30cm (Extension Chain Provided also: 14cm)

Care Instructions

Please avoid from water, direct heat, perfume or cosmetic lotions as this may discolour the metal. Metal will naturally tarnish but it can be wiped every so often with a cloth to revive it. 

Our beautiful, velvet pouch has been designed to help sustain your Bláithín Ennis piece. It can be stored in your jewellery area compactly whilst being immediately recognisable. If you wish to dispose of your pouch, many upcycling centres are delighted to receive them.